I am a little behind on posting these, but I really wanted to get them on here so I can have them documented. Knox went to the doctor on the 28th, and here are the stats:
Weight- 24.6 pounds = 75% percentile
length- 33 inches = As doctor Rux would say, "Not even close to being on the chart. I hope he has a basketball." Does he know my husband???
Everything checked out well. He is a healthy and growing boy, so that's good news! I love going to Dr. Rux. He is such a loving, younger guy who adores children. Knox always goes straight to him and Rux kisses all over his big cheeks for the first half of the appt. So rare to find that in a younger man...or just a man in general. Anyways, We are no longer taking a bottle...all big boy food and organic whole milk. I was a little sad about saying goodbye to the bottle because he would let me hold him like a baby and snuggle when I fed him, but I will say that giving him regular food has been fun. Maddox really likes it too since Knox wants to "share" everything with him. We haven't come across any food that he doesn't like yet...definitely gets that from me. He is quite a messy eater and we have to wipe him down completely...along with the highchair, floor, seat, etc. He usually eats in just a diaper :).
As far as milestones:
He is walking...but only if he wants to. There is no making him! He will walk clear across the house, but if you catch him doing it and cheer him on...he drops straight to the floor, almost like he thinks he is in trouble. He does not like to perform for others, so really its only Lee and I that get to witness this.
He is saying some words and babbling all the time. He knows light, dog, mama, dada pretty well. Says new stuff all the time but I have yet to decipher it.
LOVES music and bounces whenever he hears it-one of my favorite things.
He does not like to hear the word "no."
If you cough and say "excuse me", he will mimic you and cough right after you. He could go back and forth on this for hours.
He also loves to do the ET finger touch, and he laughs hysterically when you touch his finger.
He is getting better at sitting and reading with me. I use to have to chase him and read to him while he crawled away from me. Now he will sit in my lap and let me read, but HE has to be the one to turn the pages.
When I say "Hey Knox! Touchdown Alabama!!!", he will put his arms up in the touchdown position. Then I say "Rollll Tide" and he then rolls his little arms and fists round and round. And we finish it up with a big "YAY!" and he claps. Of all his recent tricks, I must say that we are probably the most proud of this. Don't judge me. Who's ready for football season (as well as football weather)?!?!?!
There are so many fun things that they can do at this age. Every month is better than the last.
His appt ended with 3 shots, sadly enough. He screamed pretty loud when it happened, but it didn't last long. He was back to smiling and flirting with the ladies at check out in no time. I can't believe he is a year old. The past year has been so many things...exciting, amazing, hard, challenging, HUMBLING, emotional :), incredible, fascinating, profound, tender, genuine...I could go on and on. It definitely hasn't been easy for me, but I know that during the hard time the Lord really showed himself to us. We might not have seen it right then and there (thank you, acid reflux :)), but looking back we can clearly see God's grace through it all.
Excited and anxious to see what the upcoming year has for us raising BROTHERS!!!!! I still have no clue how I will love another baby as much as I love this little stinker.
Waiting for Dr. Rux, and snacking on goldfish-of course!:
Falling asleep on the way home. Notice the big boy band aids on his arm :(
Having his first big boy supper, and loving his milk!
And very proud of himself for making a "happy plate!"