
Happy Birthday, Carley!!

Ok, so to make a long story short, my sister painted my niece's room a little while back and has had trouble finding artwork to go along with. She asked if I would paint something for Carley for her 3rd birthday. I thought, "Why not?? I am just sitting here waiting for Knox to come, and it will be a good way to entertain myself while Lee is at work." Holy pajamas...it was the most stressful thing I have ever done, and it might be the very last! Haha. Ask my friend Cathie, she will vouch for me. I vented to her on a daily/nightly basis. I have never done something this big, and I am really not an "artist", so it was sort of an issue. Everything also needed 4 to 5 coats as well! Ahhhh! It definitely took me All day EVERYday to finish this sucker! Anyways, the bottom line is this: It is complete and I am alive. Thank you , Jesus! Oh, and tell me this isn't one of the cutest little girls that you have ever seen!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you posted this because it is awesome! I love the pics!
