
It's Official :)

I went back today and baby Greer is definitely a girl baby Greer! I think I am believing it now :). Baby boy bedding in the process of being shipped back, and baby girl bedding already purchased...so this puppy better come out a "hamburger" :). I won't lie that I am very excited about the girl clothes. Some friends and I went to a kids market sale today, and it was so weird for me to be on the pink side this time :). However, pink is not my favorite color (yet), so most girl things we buy won't be all pink, I'm sure. But until I come around, I think we will be pretty well covered. Within hours of finding out it was really a girl on Monday, this was distributed all over my couch:

Can you tell my sister is a little eager to clean out her house? Bless her heart, she has been very neatly and strategically packing and saving girl clothes for me for the longest time. What you see is only size newborn to 6 months, I believe? I told her we would have to do
It in shifts because there was no way everything would fit!!! I am very blessed and very lucky to have an awesome sister that has 3 girls...and AMAZING taste in clothes :). So, am I still sad about not having another boy right now? Not so much...

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Twins born 18 months apart?

Foxie to the left and Greer to the right! I have been looking at these sweet profiles all day long and I love how much they resemble each other! I am sure they will have their differences...I am just really hoping Greer has Knox's big cheeks :)


Curve Ball

Most of you have seen the news on facebook. For those of you who haven't yet, the news is this: looks like our sweet baby boy Greer is going to be a sweet baby girl Greer??? I know what you are thinking. What in the world?!?!? I have heard of people thinking it was a girl and then finding out it was a boy, but not the other way around. Here is how it went down...

For the past month or so I have been having some really bad pains on the right lower side of my abdomen. The docs and I just figured it was growing pains from everything stretching and expanding. Well, they got really ad this weekend and we had to leave church early yesterday. I laid on the couch all day and then we went to community group. When we got home I was putting Knox in his crib and the pain hit me so hard that my knees buckled and Lee had to pretty much catch Knox. I rolled around and screamed a bit, and it scared both Lee and Knox. Lee wanted to go to the ER, but I opted just to call the on-call doctor and try to wait it out until this morning. I went in and heard the heartbeat, which was strong-praise the Lord, they checked me, which was pretty sore, and then they did an ultrasound to check for cysts or fibroids. I am going to have to give you a play by play of the conversation between the tech and I:

Tech: "OK, well, everything looks really good and the baby looks healthy. I don't see any cysts on your ovaries. The baby is in a ball on the right side of your stomach, so it could be touching a nerve or something. I see that you have your big gender reveal ultrasound appt on Thursday. Do you want to wait until then since your husband isn't here? (Lee was at home while Knox napped. We are only 2 blocks from the hospital so he wasn't far if he needed to come up there)

me: "Nah. We can go ahead and do it so that I don't have to come back on Thursday. We cheated and found out the sex early at Virginia College School of Ultrasound in Birmingham, so he isn't missing anything too important."

tech:"Oh! You know the sex?! Well, don't tell me. I want to be surprised when I find it."

**a few minutes goes by while she checks everything out and measures, and then she starts a high pitch squeal...

tech: "DID they tell you that you were having a little girl!!!!!!!?"

me: (in a high pitched squeal) "NO!! They told me I was having a little boy!"

So then the tech gets straight faced and is like "are you serious?" She kept me on the table for what seemed like an hour and kept looking and looking. She was nervous to keep telling me that it was a girl because she knew that I was so excited about 2 boys close in age...

tech: "Regan...I am looking and looking for that penis but it's no where to be found..."

***I am seeing the entire thing and there is definitely not a penis. All I kept thinking was "Where the crap did the penis go???? I've got new boy bedding sitting at my house and have already purchased baby boy stuff for Greer!" I thought that at any second she would say, "There it is!" but no ma'am. She printed off the pictures and gave them to me, and took one to show the doctors and nurses. They all giggled and said "Oh Regan...this is a textbook picture of a girl ultrasound." I asked why I was told that it was a boy to begin with and all they could think was that since I was 15 weeks pregnant and 2 students performed the ultrasound, maybe they though the cord was the penis, or something else? It's so strange. Almost as if I don't know what to believe. I mean, I feel like I should side with my doctors office and the experienced technician. I mean, talk about a curve ball!

So, after everyone there laughed at me for a good bit (in a joking way), I then called everyone. No one believes me...until I show them the picture. Then they are like "oh my! Where is the penis?" Thats what I'm screaming. My sweet, sweet husband. Poor guy. As we were sitting silently across from each other at lunch picking at our food because we still could not believe it, he says this to me... (sorry for the inappropriateness...but it's too funny NOT to share)...

Lee: (he's been quiet and thinking really hard for a few minutes) "Maybe the 3 lines we are seeing is this: his penis is wrapped around and stuck in between his butt cheeks, squishing his balls down the middle. Therefore making it ball-penis-ball and it just looks like 3 lines???"

HAHAHA. I totally spit my drink out across the table when he said that! Only him!

SO...thats where we are. Many friends have called and asked if I was "O.k" since they knew I was pumped about 2 boys. Heres the skinny on that. With this pregnancy I have gone back and forth a little on which one I preferred. I already have a boy and I am such a tomboy that I have been so excited to hear we are having brothers. But honestly, if it is a girl, then I know that I will love her just as much. God is good and he knows exactly what we need.We should probably be in prayer over my husband, though. I think he is really hoping it will come out a boy! The thought of raising a little girl scares him to death.

So, I will leave you with the ultrasound picture. Let me know if you think pink or blue...

(Sorry. dont know how to turn it, but you get the picture...)

Here is Knox's ultrasound at 18 weeks...


Mother's Day Out

I have been putting this day off for a VERY long time now. I knew that it needed to happen, but I really wasn't sure if I wanted it to. Here's the thing about Foxie. He has a little attachment issue, and has had it for some time now. He isn't use to being anywhere without me and he will definitely make it known when he has to go to the church nursery. Lee has to be the one that drops him off. He usually clams down once he is in there and playing, but the drop off portion can be painful on your eardrums. Anyways, I am so very thankful that I have the opportunity for now to be at home with him and watch him learn new things and grow on a daily basis, but we also knew that he needed to get in a Mother's Day Out program where he could get use to playing with other children and teachers and feel comfortable without me...especially since baby Greer will be here in January. We have really been praying so much for his attachment issue, and praying about where he should attend since our own church doesn't have a program. When I called the church, they said they only allow 5 kids in the class and that they had been booked up for some time...until the morning I called. Someone had to withdrawl due to a last minute move. Thank you, Lord, for clearly opening doors for us! SO...with that being said, Foxie Knoxie had his first day at Mother's Day Out today! He attends a super sweet church in downtown Fairhope, which is only a few minutes from the house. He will go on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 to 1, and after ALL the orientations and Meet the Teachers that occurred at the beginning of the week, we feel very comfortable with him attending. I really really like his teacher. She is super sweet and energetic, and loves babies, so thats always a plus :). On the way to his first day this morning, I felt a little guilty and sad, wondering if I am making the right decision by sending him instead of spending every waking moment with him before the baby comes. I cried a little, and then I sucked it up and reminded myself that this really will be the best thing...for everyone. Lee has been with me through the entire process this week so I was able to get a few pictures, but he had to leave early this morning and so I don't have any good pics from today...just ones from my phone.

Here we are at "Meet the Teacher" and see your classroom day. Notice his little name on the apple :):

He had no problems getting down and playing with the room FULL of toys, and he was especially fond of this little gadget...

He loves all things mobile. Especially cars. I am so glad that he got down and played with the toys while we were there, and didn't chose to hold on to my leg the entire time. This morning he must have been super excited about his first day because he woke up an HOUR early! He usually sleeps until 7:45-8:00 strong, and today he decided that he would rise and shine at 6:45. Nice. I got him up and fed and bathed, and then we played for a bit. I decided to be weird and take some first day of school photos from my phone so I could send them to daddy and the rest of my family. Speaking of the rest of my family, everyone is being so funny about this and treating it as his first day of real school. We had a family dinner last night in honor of Foxie's big day, and emails came early this morning requesting some school boy pics. Yes, I realize it sounds crazy, but this kiddo has been with us ever day of his life and this is the first time for him to be in a program like this, so it was a big deal to us :). Here are some pics from this morning (from the Iphone, sorry)...

little clothes and lunchbox:

Getting out of the car and watching all the other kids walk in with their parents:

And I totally thought that he was going to give a big fight when I dropped him off. You want to know what he did? I put him down, and he walked right up to this puppy:

Yep, he didn't even cry or shed one tear when I left. Mommy, on the other hand...

I went to meet some sweet friends from community group for breakfast. A lot of us have kids that started school for the first time this year, so we had a little support group meeting. Ha. Not really. We ended up laughing and laughing as usual. Love those girls and I am so thankful for their friendships. It would have been even more perfect if Cathie could have been there (miss you, friend!)!

When I went to pick Knox up, he was CASHED OUT in one of the workers arms. I couldn't believe it. They said he played hard and his favorite time of the day was a tie between going outside and lunch time. Now THAT I could believe!

He came home and ate some more, and now he is tucked away for his afternoon nap. All in all it was a good day. I hope the trend continues!


1 Year stats!

I am a little behind on posting these, but I really wanted to get them on here so I can have them documented. Knox went to the doctor on the 28th, and here are the stats:

Weight- 24.6 pounds = 75% percentile
length- 33 inches = As doctor Rux would say, "Not even close to being on the chart. I hope he has a basketball." Does he know my husband???

Everything checked out well. He is a healthy and growing boy, so that's good news! I love going to Dr. Rux. He is such a loving, younger guy who adores children. Knox always goes straight to him and Rux kisses all over his big cheeks for the first half of the appt. So rare to find that in a younger man...or just a man in general. Anyways, We are no longer taking a bottle...all big boy food and organic whole milk. I was a little sad about saying goodbye to the bottle because he would let me hold him like a baby and snuggle when I fed him, but I will say that giving him regular food has been fun. Maddox really likes it too since Knox wants to "share" everything with him. We haven't come across any food that he doesn't like yet...definitely gets that from me. He is quite a messy eater and we have to wipe him down completely...along with the highchair, floor, seat, etc. He usually eats in just a diaper :).
As far as milestones:

He is walking...but only if he wants to. There is no making him! He will walk clear across the house, but if you catch him doing it and cheer him on...he drops straight to the floor, almost like he thinks he is in trouble. He does not like to perform for others, so really its only Lee and I that get to witness this.

He is saying some words and babbling all the time. He knows light, dog, mama, dada pretty well. Says new stuff all the time but I have yet to decipher it.

LOVES music and bounces whenever he hears it-one of my favorite things.

He does not like to hear the word "no."

If you cough and say "excuse me", he will mimic you and cough right after you. He could go back and forth on this for hours.

He also loves to do the ET finger touch, and he laughs hysterically when you touch his finger.

He is getting better at sitting and reading with me. I use to have to chase him and read to him while he crawled away from me. Now he will sit in my lap and let me read, but HE has to be the one to turn the pages.

When I say "Hey Knox! Touchdown Alabama!!!", he will put his arms up in the touchdown position. Then I say "Rollll Tide" and he then rolls his little arms and fists round and round. And we finish it up with a big "YAY!" and he claps. Of all his recent tricks, I must say that we are probably the most proud of this. Don't judge me. Who's ready for football season (as well as football weather)?!?!?!

There are so many fun things that they can do at this age. Every month is better than the last.

His appt ended with 3 shots, sadly enough. He screamed pretty loud when it happened, but it didn't last long. He was back to smiling and flirting with the ladies at check out in no time. I can't believe he is a year old. The past year has been so many things...exciting, amazing, hard, challenging, HUMBLING, emotional :), incredible, fascinating, profound, tender, genuine...I could go on and on. It definitely hasn't been easy for me, but I know that during the hard time the Lord really showed himself to us. We might not have seen it right then and there (thank you, acid reflux :)), but looking back we can clearly see God's grace through it all.

Excited and anxious to see what the upcoming year has for us raising BROTHERS!!!!! I still have no clue how I will love another baby as much as I love this little stinker.

Waiting for Dr. Rux, and snacking on goldfish-of course!:

Falling asleep on the way home. Notice the big boy band aids on his arm :(

Having his first big boy supper, and loving his milk!

And very proud of himself for making a "happy plate!"


This goes down as one of the best nights ever!

Well, most of you already know the awesome news, but I wanted to tell you about the family's reaction...
Tonight was amazing. Knox and I drove straight down from Birmingham and we met everyone at Lulu's for the "reveal" party. We got there a smidge late and everyone was sitting at a huge table DYING to hear the news. Dane recorded it, and we went around and had everyone say what they thought it was. Everyone said boy except for Dane. I wrote on the back of the ultrasound "Lock your daughters up!! Knox and Greer are hitting the streets come January!" and got Abbie and Ashton to read it to everyone. I mean, everyone DIED with excitement. My dad - in true form - jumped up and flexed his muscles. Hilarious. I was so glad that everyone was wanting a boy. Then we ate, played with the kids in the sand, and danced to the live music. It was just an awesome night. I sat back at one point and just let it all sink in...my mom and step dad to my right, dad and step mom to the left, best friend for a sister in front of me with her precious family, step sister and more kiddies next to her. I love it. I love being with them and celebrating important events, and I love that even though there have been hard times in our family and a divorce, they all still come together in harmony and just make it work because they truly love us so much. I am so thankful for that. AND... Of course Foxie was the star of the show and everyone fought over him :). My dad is probably at home right now running laps to get all the excited energy off. And my husband...Christmas just came early for him!
We seriously are so excited. The only thing is that I'm missing out on some cute girl clothes, but who knows what the future holds. Right now all I know is that I got my "Lawson Boys" and I am on cloud 9. Oh, and a shout out to the best sister in law in the world for letting us crash at her house and watching Foxie during the appt. Jessica is really really really amazing and I couldn't ask for a better sister in law. Love that girl!
Greer Bennett Lawson is still scheduled for January. Many peeps have asked about the name. Greer is just something we love, and Bennett is on Lee's side of the family. We will just call him Greer.
I'm exhausted and so I'm off to bed. Here is a snap of Foxie celebrating the good news at Lulu's!!! Love that baby :).

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Oh my...

This morning I changed Knox's diaper - and since it was a stinky I went to the garage trash can to throw it away. By the time I walked back in to the kitchen, this is what I found. Holy pajamas. The dishwasher was completely shut and I have no clue how he got in there. Can't decide if it's funny or scary...

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