
Happy 3 months, Foxie!!

I can't believe that it has been 3 months!! Honestly, sometimes I feel like it has been 3 years, thanks to the acid reflux situation, but now that things have been so much better I look at him now and feel a little sad about how big he is. At church yesterday we were talking to some friends that had a 1 and a half week old. That baby looked soooo tiny next to Knox. Even though we had sort of a rough start, I would never trade it and I am sad to know that I will never get that "new baby" stage back with Knoxie. It's kind of funny because I was thinking yesterday that because we went through a hard beginning and are now able to see through all the smoke, I feel like that has drawn us closer?? Weird?? I don't know. Maybe it's just that I am just now able to really enjoy him and relax a little. I also know that I should be thankful because in retrospect there are thousands of other people who are dealing with much worse.
Anyways, 3 months ago I was in labor as we speak! I remember waking up before Lee, feeling like something might be happening but didn't want to call the Dr. and risk embarrassment of a false alarm. I went to get some cereal and definitely realized something was different. Woke Lee up (which can be a challenge) and told him. He didn't really believe me :). I walked to the bathroom and then all of a sudden...Woosh! Lee even heard my water break from the bedroom and he flew out of bed to come help me. I was totally grossed out. By the time we called the doctor and all of our family I was in the worse pain of my life. After attempting to get a shower and finish packing my bags, Lee had to pretty much carry me out of the house. I was screaming BLOODY MURDER! Everyone had previously told us that if my water were to break I needed to relax, take a shower, maybe get a nap in...it was going to take a while. Please. I have never experienced such quickening pain in my life. So...Lee sped to the hospital looking like he had seen a ghost, I screamed the entire way (while trying to fix my hair...a failed attempt), and when we got there I told Lee not to get me a wheel chair...that I could walk by myself. I took 2 steps inside the front doors and my knees buckled. Watching Lee run around the hospital like a chicken without it's head was priceless. It was a Sunday so not many people were around, and Lee was screaming for help. Haha. By the time I got checked in and into a room, the doc came to check me...5 cm dilated. Within an hour I was 9 cm dilated. Funny that my name is Regan because if you would have seen me before the epidural (yes, I am weak. I got the drugs), I was clenching the bed and screaming at the top of my lungs while having convulsions...you might have been reminded of Regan from the movie "The Exorcist." As soon as they gave me the epidural it was like nothing had happened. Like I wasn't even in labor. Good stuff. Anyways, once my family got there (they all had to speed form Mobile and Spanish Fort), I pushed for 20 min and little Knoxie was here! Wow. I had no intention of typing any of this story, but once I started I couldn't stop. It is such a fun memory for us. I originally planned to be induced on that following Tuesday, and even though the way it happened was hectic, I love that we will always remember it the way we do and will be able to look back and laugh. Thanks for taking a stroll down memory lane with me.
Here's Foxie's 3 month crib picture. This little stinker is growing like a weed! We don't go back to the doctor until his 4 month check up, so I don't have any stats. He loves sitting in his bumbo seat, watching Praise Baby DVD's, looking at and listening to his monkey mobile, taking baths, checking out Maddox, smiling and laughing at me singing (should I be offended? I don't think he's laughing "with" me, if you know what I mean), car rides, being read to, and going on walks with mommy and daddy. Oh, and he loves to be outside. Loves it. As you saw in the last post, he is Lee's mini. Although, his hair is RED! Lee's had some red in it when he was little, which is crazy to me because it is so dark now. Who knows what Knox's will end up doing. I just pray that his temper won't match his hair right now :)
We went to the park after church yesterday. Please excuse my hair in the pic. Be comforted by the fact that I have a hair appt this Friday. I know it definitely comforts me. Oh, and don't doubt that I am rocking my Chi-O tee from college. It was breezy out and I don't have many long sleeve tee shirts. Don't judge me. Lee, of course, changed from his church attire into a polo button down. He knows not the meaning of casual attire, making me look like a slob half of the time!


  1. I had no idea your labor went that quickly. That is awesome! It is amazing how fast time goes by. Knox is such a cutie!

  2. Several things...
    1. I love the labor story! It's so fun to hear how everybody's story is so different. I did not know any of that and can't believe he came so fast!!
    2. Knox's hair is so cute! I love that it's red.
    3. Do not think you are the only one that still wears the college t-shirts. My favorite ones say 97 and 98. Sad I know. But who buys t-shirts? I just keep wearing the ones I have.
    Thanks for sharing your story! Happy 3 months, Knox!!

  3. So sweet! Happy 3 months to you, Knox. And girl, you look gorgeous no matter what!!

  4. I love the labor story! I wanted a "fun" story but we had to go with a "planned" story instead. I didn't realize that Knox had red hair- Anna Lee does too! I have no idea where it came from either- weird!
