
11 Months (and 16 days)!

Well, here we are. Inching closer and closer to sweet baby girl's 1st birthday. It's like I blinked, and here we are. No more newborn. No more bottles (almost). No more baby. Just saying those words makes my womb hurt for another one. HOWEVER...Lee told me the other night that I could possibly put it on NEXT years Christmas list, but even then...Santa might forget to deliver that gift to the Lawsons. He's so subtle...

Well, I've said it before and I will say 1,000 more times...I couldn't ask for a sweeter, more precious little girl. I was thinking the other day that I cannot believe that I was dead set on having all boys. I can't imagine life without her. My heart has done a complete 180, and I now love pink. I love tights. I love bishops. I love bows (not that we wear them yet). I love bloomers. I love the fact that I have a daughter. I honestly have no clue if we will have more kids, but I will tell you this: I want another boy AND another girl. Haha. I told Lee that the other night and he about passed out. See, as much as I love my children..and heck, just kids in general, I am not the best at being a newborn mommy. I don't do well without sleep, and when I am in the middle of it I will just about sign my life away promising that I won't do it again. But I really believe the Lord erases your memory because it's almost like I don't even remember the hard days. ALMOST :).

Anyways, Mrs. G is literally getting 2 front teeth for Christmas! They have both broken through and are working their way on in! I check daily, and I believe she as gotten another strand or 2 of hair as well. I am almost to the point of cutting mine and gluing it to her head. I don't think anyone would notice the over night growth. She is still taking random steps here and there, but she would much rather speed crawl. LOVES to clap and dance. Loves to play on Knox's bed with him. She now lets me rock her at night, and she wraps her arms and legs around me when I do so, and it just about makes me cry every time. Still a great sleeper. This is so strange, but she loves to color! I have a video of her doing it, but we all know I'm not that tech savy. She has been doing it for about a month, and she knows exactly what to do and always colors only on the paper. It's so strange and funny at the same time. She will honestly eat whatever you give her...no matter what it is or how much it is. If you don't feed her fast enough, she will let you know she isn't pleased with you. I am worried that she is going to eat us out of house and home once I take the bottle away!

I am missing this time last year when I was extremely pregnant during the holidays, BUT...I am so glad she is here with us and able to celebrate Christmas outside of my belly this year. I have really enjoyed this season so far with the kids and Lee. This Christmas season has been a little different for us and I will explain that in a different post, but we have really been able to relax and focus on the true meaning of Christmas, which has been so refreshing.

I had to put this picture on here for this post since this is pretty much what Greer wants to do all day long:

Yup, she definitely gets that trait from her mommy!

Stay tuned for Christmas and Birthday pics...hopefully sooner rather than later. Until then,  I pray that you are finding many, many reasons to praise God this holiday season! Merry Christmas!


One To Follow...

A friend of mine has shared this blog with me a few times, and it has become one of my favorites. Such an encouragement. I love it when people love Jesus, but they aren't afraid to keep it real and talk about struggles in their life as well. It's so refreshing the way she points everything back to Christ. Enjoy!



Updates All Around...

I don't know if you are anything like me, but when we have a few things going on and I don't document it right then and there, I get overwhelmed when it all backs up and I take a break from the blogging world. I decided to slap it all down in one post so that I don't make 10 different posts in one day.

First and foremost, this little sweetness has her first ear infection :(

Look at that face! Her eyes are so sad and her nose is about to fall of, it's so raw. Bless her sweet heart. She was living in a cloud yesterday. I can't stand it when babies are sick. However, this little girl has been snuggling and SNORING in my lap and on my shoulder for the last 2 days. I can't get enough of that. The sad news, however, is that Lee and Knox are in Birmingham without us having an early Christmas with his side of the family. I can't believe we are missing it! So sad. However, I know the best thing for Greer is to stay in and get some rest. She is still asleep and it's 8:30, so I know she needed it. We are missing our boys and Lee's family, though :(. I took her to get her prescriptions filled yesterday, and while we waited we picked up a friend to keep us company.

It was too cute. This little girl loves a baby doll. I can't imagine what it will be like to play with girlie stuff as she gets older. Right now my heart is set on sports and being outside all the time, so it should be interesting :). The doctor also said that she has about an entire row of top teeth that are about to come through any second. She already has one that broke through her gums. Poor baby...she is just having a not so good few days. Hopefully she will start to feel better soon with the antibiotics, though. 

"It hurts right here, mommy"

We had a great Thanksgiving filled with food and family. My birthday was actually on Thanksgiving day, so we had a double celebration. My family always tries to make it like it's a surprise that they got me a cake and gifts, but I'm not fooled anymore. I am 100 years old, so I know what to expect by now :). 

We did our annual tree hunt the day after Thanksgiving. I laugh everytime we do this. I love a tree hunt. LOVE it. We grew up not having the fanciest of things, but one thing is for sure...we were going to have a huge Christmas tree that stayed up all the way until New Years. Some of my favorite memories come from our tree hunts and decorating, so I love that I get to do it with my own family now. We usually go with my sister and my mother, but we had some wacky schedules this year, so it was just the Lawsons this time.

Foxie found one his size

 He loved the live nativity scene

Greer loved Santa! Haha.

 Men working hard, prissy girls sitting and watching

 It MAY have taken a while to chop down

We were a little nervous...

"Looks great. Little full. Lot of sap."

Dressed up!

Lee had to trim off an entire foot of the trunk to make it fit in the house. Hilarious. The important thing is that we got her in, and she fits! The kids love the tree, especially Knox. His favorite part is turning on the lights. He jumps up and down every morning and does a little dance in his PJ's when they get plugged in. I think I will always remember him doing that.

We celebrated our 5th anniversary on December 2. Lee surprised me big time...I thought he had already left for Atlanta for the SEC championship game (work related), but he didn't end up leaving until Saturday morning. He had me fooled, though. My parents showed up with a note from him at 4:45 and told me to be ready by 5:15. 30 minutes, people, is all I had to take a shower and get ready. 30 minutes. My room was a disaster, but we had the best time... and the night was filled with a few surprises!

I came out of my bathroom the other day and found Knox doing this:

He had gotten in my bed and under the covers and was "reading" the bible. He's so deep and spiritual. HA!
Here is another picutre taken recently of him. Before I post, you have to promise not to call DHR. He was super hyper one night and fell back in to a wall corner, hurt his leg and then fell forward into the hardwood floor. Really?

Yup. It's true. That's my son's mangled face. Don't worry, after screaming bloody murder for 2 minutes straight, he had a red Popsicle (see remains on face) and was laughing a few minutes later. Lee was in Japan, and when I sent him this picture he about died. I promise it looks way worse than it actually was. His eye, nose, and lip were back to complete normal the next morning, thankfully. Geesh. I can only imagine what my future holds with this rowdy one! HOWEVER...his teachers at school tell me this (you ready?)...he is the shyest kid in the class and barely says a word! What??????!!! Mrs. Barbara said that he is super quiet and shy, and that all the teachers are so shocked and think he is so sweet. The second I get that child in the car he is motor-mouthing (in Chinese, of course) all the way home! If you know Knox personally, then you are laughing out loud right now. He is also tee-teeing on the potty for the most part and he has gone stinky once. He mainly does that in his pull up while he is sleeping. But hey- I will take it. I am honestly not even stressing about it and taking it one day at a time. He wears big boy underwear during the day and pull ups to sleep in. We have had a few accidents along the way, but I am happy with the results for the most part. ( I am sure that you love reading about his bathroom habits ). The last update on him is probably the most important to me, shamefully. I told my friend Teal that It ranks up there just under him having a relationship with the Lord-again...shameful. Here it is: Knox can hit the baseball when you pitch it to him now! Haha. I'm such a loser. We were out in the backyard the other day and he was hitting the ball like 7 out of 10 times. I couldn't believe it. It was awesome. We were screaming and going crazy and running around the yard like hooligans. Sweet Greer just sat in her swing and watched us like we were weirdos. I need to get my priorities in line, people.

Well, that's enough for one sitting. It's probably a Lawson overload. Knox has his first school program next week, so stay tuned for that. I will probably post about it in a month, or in the same post as his 3rd birthday. 

Have a great weekend!


Greer- 10 months (and 16 days)

O.K. - so this monthly update process for Greer is getting to be borderline comical. I am MAKING myself sit down today (in the middle of a laundry pile) and jot down some things about her 10th month. I cannot imagine what would happen to poor baby #3 if the time ever came. Who knows if I will even keep the blog at that point. I just wish  someone would do the updates for me because I sure love the documentation...just not the actual act of updating.

At 10 months, Greer..

*still only has her 2 bottom teeth
*weighs about 21 pounds
*still has very minimal hair (come ON, hair fairy!!!)
*likes to repeat sounds that you make
*sometimes waves and says "bye bye"
*stands on her own, but hasn't really done much more in the walking category
*still a great sleeper
*still very happy and content most of the time...unless she is teething
*still favors Knox more than anything and wants to do/hold/eat whatever he is
*loves food and can probably out-eat any child on the face of the planet
*loves to be read to and sung to, and will even let you rock her if it's your lucky day
*HATES getting her diaper changed
*loves taking warm baths and hates getting out of the bath tub
*still has blue eyes and sweet eyelashes
*pretty sure that once she starts walking she will be able to hold her own with Knox
*and most importantly, still has super scrumptious cheeks

As any parent of 2 will say, life is pretty hectic most of the time. Lee was in Japan for 7 days last week, and little Ms. G got to spend some time with Lee's mom. Holy cow. The fact that I had just 1 child was insane. Insane. It was so easy and so nice to deal with the schedule of just 1 child, and it was nothing short of amazing to get one on one time with Knox. I definitely missed Greer, but I am SO thankful that I got Knox all by myself for a little while. I feel  like I learned so many new things about him, and we did a LOT of laughing. I keep realizing that I will never get these days back with the kids, and while my heart continues to be sad over that fact, I am trying to enjoy every single moment with them...and I definitely had many unforgettable moments with Knox last week.

Greer, we love you so much...and we cannot believe that it has almost been a year since you have been born. Where does the time go? Oh how I pray that your daddy and I are making the right decisions in raising you and Knox. It is such a humbling and overwhelming realization that the Lord has entrusted your life to us. We don't deserve you, but He gave you to us anyways, and the best thing that we can do for you is to turn around and hand your life...our entire family's life...back over to Him. May your significance, self worth and satisfaction come solely from Him alone. Happy 10 months, sweet baby girl!


Advent Calendar Verses

I have been doing some research on verses for our advent calendar tree, and I came across this link and love it! It lists out great verses for you, and it also has a craft to do each day. Not sure if we can swing doing a craft each day, but I hope to do the crafts either this year or next. Regardless, it gives you great verses to read each day to the kids. I thought that I would share the link with you guys since I think it' s so awesome:


Also, my friend Teal told me about this book that her store sells. It's called "The True Night Before Christmas." It is incredible. Her store can barely keep them in stock. It has the same rhyming and rhythm as "'Twas the Night Before Christmas", but it is actually the story of the birth of Christ. I cannot wait to read it to the kids every year. What a neat way to incorporate the true meaning of Christmas in to your Christmas Eve tradition. I think it gets harder and harder each year to focus on why we really celebrate Christmas, and this book does a great job of reminding us. Here is a picture of the book in case you are interested. I just checked Amazon, and it said they are out of stock at the moment. If you see it on the shelves anywhere, you should snag it up!


9 months (and 24 days-Geesh!)

I need to go ahead and throw something down for sweet girl's 9 month documentation. I'm trying to finish strong with these stats for her first year. I won't lie...I'm struggling!

She did great at her check up. Barely cried with her shots. She weighs 21 pounds and is right under 31 inches long. Weight is 70th percentile and height is above 100 still...

She is getting more and more fun with each passing day! She even took 4 steps yesterday. Craziness. I am hoping it was a fluke. I am not ready to have a new walker around the house. She eats everything in sight and gets maaaaad if you take food away from her. There is nothing she doesn't like to eat, which is awesome. She wants everything that Knox has...at all times. She now has 2 bottom teeth, and is working on getting some more. Much to my surprise, I LOVE dressing her up in super girlie clothes. I love putting tights on her. I long for the day that she can wear a bow and have pig tails, but we have quite a while before that will happen. She is just awesome. Still very laid back and chill for the most part. I Couldn't have hand picked a better addition to our family. We love you, G-girl, and are So thankful that the Lord entrusted you to us!

Pumpkin kisses!

Chewing on everything!

Hanging with WaWa

So smiley and happy!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Back to Reality...

Lee and I made it back safely from our anniversary travels. To say we had a great time is an understatement. I cannot speak of the amount of food that I annihilated over the past few days. It was all-inclusive, so it was all in Regan's belly. From sun up to sun down. And it was goooood food. I am now pregnant with a food baby...

I will say that I missed the kids way more than I expected. I knew that I would miss them, but I found myself having to mentally make myself stop thinking about them and getting sad. I am so thankful for family sending updates and pictures everyday. It was so nice to not have to worry about Knox and Greer since we knew they were in great hands.

Oh so many funny stories from the trip. We are still laughing about some of the stuff that went down while we were there. We actually got to hang out with a few other couples that we met, so that was pretty cool. We got dressed up a few nights for dinner at different restaurants and we also stayed in bathing suits and ate dinner poolside some nights as well. It was so weird to not have a schedule to follow every day. We just rolled with it and played everything by ear...NICE. I even slept until like 8:15 most mornings. This is huge for me- I am not a late sleeper and can't remember the last time I slept that late. Lee got to play golf... I got a massage... we enjoyed some water sports and beach volleyball... Watched football at the on-site Pub...We did a little dancing... Laid around on rafts in the pool...did some reading and napping in cabanas...ate constantly, etc. It was truly incredible. I feel so refreshed and well rested, and am so thankful for the opportunity to go on this trip. Our anniversary isn't exactly until December 2, but with Lee headed to Japan soon, Thanksgiving, and Christmas...this was the best time for us to go. And it didn't hurt that the rates were a little cheaper :).

I only took a few pictures from my camera. The rest are from my phone. And I mean honestly, are we surprised by this anymore? Who knows why we have an actual camera.

We had just dropped Knox off in Bham and thought it was crazy looking that we had a kid-free backseat!

Dinner in ATL with some of our FAVORITE people, Cathie and Ryan

About to take off

About to land

Exuma Airport. I'm not joking.

Loved this!

Lee quickly changed in to his speedo as soon as we got there...

View from the room

Pics of the kiddos that we were getting from back home

One of my favorites!

Uncle Joey! He has 2 girls, so he and Knox kicked it boy-style a lot while we were gone and watched some football. 

In retrospect, I don't really have that many pictures from the trip. I had to make it a point to take my phone with me to dinner so that we could get some taken together. And they aren't even great quality. Sad. I just really wanted to have a few to remember the trip by. My phone was mainly in the room most of the time, and I will admit that that was nice. Very freeing to not be constantly on the phone or texting or checking emails. Not that I am that important. No one really emails me that much. Mainly my sister :). 

I can't believe we are coming up on 5 years. I will save a sappy post about that until closer to our actual anniversary. Thank you, Lord, for allowing me time with Lee -without kids and work- to just relax and talk and spend time together. I know that without you, none of this would have been possible. 



I just dropped Knox off at school and am about to start the crazy packing process for our trip. We leave TOMORROW! So much to do before we leave, but my heart is so thankful for our family memebers that are keeping our kids while we are gone that I wanted to write about it before things get too chaotic around here.

Greer is staying here with my mom and my sister, and Knox will be in Birmingham with Jessica, Lee's sister. When we first started planning this trip, things weren't really lining up easily. The more kids you have, the harder it is to work everything out, that is for sure! Anyways, at one point we decided that we should probably just hold off and wait for a better time to go. My  parents both work full time, and my sister is super busy with her 3. However, my mom (who was still recovering from back surgery) kindly offered to keep Greer even though her back wasn't back to normal. She assured me that she and Mr. Andy -her husband-would take off of work and do what it takes to keep Greer, and that she wasn't letting anything get in the way of Lee and I going off together. THEN...my sweet sister in law insisted that Knox come and stay with her and her family. We weren't too sure at first because we didn't want to overload her since she has 2 girls, but thankfully she wasn't taking no for an answer :). I know Knox is going to have a BIIIIG time hanging out with some of the nicest/funniest/coolest people ever, and he is going to go crazy getting time with sweet Annie and Lily Kate (our nieces). And of course, Robyn...who is like room mom for all of her kids and always on the go. She rocks, too!  Lee and I are both so humbled by their desire to serve us in such a big way. We definitely know that it is A LOT to have someone to keep your kids for so long, so to say we are thankful is an understatement. Not that we deserve it, because we don't necessarily deserve anything, but this will be the first time that Lee and I will be alone and away from the kids since I can remember....definitely the first time since Greer has been born. Yea...I'm a LITTLE excited!

We did, however, receive some sad news about my mom last week. Her back is starting to bother her again, and the doctor said that unfortunately it looks like a more invasive surgery is in her near future. She is having an MRI this afternoon for more details. This really, really hurts my heart because she had a tough recovery from her first one and the last thing she wants to do is go in for another one. Please, please pray for her if you think about it. I would love for God to work a miracle and heal her back completely, or even if it is just a clean MRI result and no surgery...that would be a miracle for sure. She and my sister are splitting time with Greer while we are gone, so that makes me feel a little better. My sweet mom will be working on the days she isn't keeping Greer, so I know she will be exhausted.

Anyways, all this to reiterate that I am oh so thankful for the opportunity to get away with my husband.
Saying "Thank You" doesn't seem like enough (probably because it isn't). You guys are receiving many crowns in heaven for this one...that's for SURE! Haha. We love you SO much!!

Now, we will definitely be missing these 2:

But, I think we will be able to find a way to enjoy ourselves while we are away from them :).

Bahamas....HERE WE COME!!!!


Worth Mentioning

O.K., so I definitely have a pile of laundry sitting beside me right now, calling out my name. It's also 1:48 and I still have yet to shower for the day (gross, I know, but I've been steaming floors and scrubbing toilets-happy Monday to me!). However, I am going to stop for a minute and share with you something that has really rocked my "Parenting View" over the last 24 hours.

Some friends of mine went to hear John Rosemond speak at a local church yesterday-where Knox goes to MDO. I have heard of him before, but I have never read anything by him or listened to any talks that he has given. It was 1 pm when I got the invite to go at 2 pm, and I am so thankful that I went. SO thankful.

I love to read, and being a new parent I particularly love reading books about parenting and children. I am sure most of you are in the same boat. Hear me when I say that listening to John yesterday completely rocked my world, and he had SO much scriptural back up and research that it was just insane. We drooled over his message and we clung to every word. Pages of notes were taken.  Mental light bulbs were "going off" left and right. I was encouraged to the core with every word he had to say. It all made sense.

I could probably type about all that I learned yesterday from his 3 hour talk for about 10 hours, but I won't. I wish I could upload my notes to the blog. I honestly am scared to even describe his teachings, for fear that I will not do an adequate job. Pretty much, he addressed the fact that society has all mothers guilt ridden, stressed out, and exhausted these days, and 50 years ago...that wasn't the case. We have bought in to so many lies about being a mother and a parent...so many lies that are no where to be found in scripture...and we are really struggling because of it. Mainly, dealing with discipline. Somewhere along the way we have lost sight of being a true, Godly, supervising parent, and we have replaced that with being a friend, child-pleaser, child-obsessed mother. We have placed the child as the center of our universe and are too scared to discipline them the way that God intended. We are striving for our children to have the best grades and accomplishments, and no where in the bible does it talk about accomplishments for our children... it only addresses the character of the children we are raising. While we should strive to instill a sense of healthy self confidence, we are going overboard in making sure they have the highest self esteem...which only leads to them having lower regards for others in many cases. Humility and modesty should be the desired attributes, but unfortunately the world tells us that those are not worthy ones to have. He goes on to say that demographics show that children are much LESS happier now then they were in the 50's. He said that he cannot remember a single person that struggled with ADHD, depression, anorexia, cutting themselves, suicide, etc. Not one. Now, the stats show that predominately every single teenager across the nation knows of a peer that struggles with at least one of these strongholds. Does that make your stomach turn or what?? We argue and justify with our children and give them reason to believe that they have some kind of authority to make their own decisions. We desire to please them. We do everything BUT tell them to do something...we ask, plead, bargain, etc. We should not have to persuade our children to be obedient. God gave us authority over them to raise them the way He intended. We are responsible for them. John gave MANY scriptural references. He gave many applicable examples that were age appropriate. He addressed so many other things, but unfortunately time does not allow me to share. To sum it up, he believes that all the "new" strategies for parenting that we have adopted over the last 50 years is counter productive, and we are wearing ourselves thin trying to make sense of it all. He definitely acknowledges that there will always be bumps in the road...we live in a sinful world. But he makes it very clear that the only "parenting handbook" we should go by is the word of God.

Anyways, I'm sure that I did not do this poor man any justice by attempting to explain how amazing his talk was yesterday. He has a good bit of literature out for specific seasons of your parenting life. I snatched this puppy up so that I can read it on our trip. I am by no means trying to cram this down your throat, BUT...if you are looking for a good read for parenting and discipline, I'm pretty certain this one won't disappoint!


This Guy...

(the big one), is so amazing. The little one is, too, but this post is for the hubs. He sent my sister and I on a surprise get-away to Destin for a few days. I had no clue it was coming, and I was so excited when I found out! A few weeks ago, Lee had a conference in Destin and we stayed in Bay Towne. It was incredible and so kid friendly. I kept telling him that I would love to be able to come back with him - kid free - and be able to go an do, shop, be lazy by the pool with him, etc. He was so sweet to send me because I know he would have loved to be the one in Robyn's spot (sorry, sister :)), but getting someone to watch 2 small kids last minute isn't really doable when my parents both work. So he sucked it up and sent me with the next best option...Robyn! 

The past few days have been filled with loud music/singing in the car, windows rolled down, trying on clothes and laughing in the fitting rooms, sharing a bed, perhaps a fruity drink :), a LITTLE bit of serious talk, watching Alabama football, dinners on the water watching the sun set, live music, sharing lip gloss, discussing future haircuts, laughing about old boyfriends, delicious food, picking out houses that we would own in Seaside one day (yea, right!), and enjoying the gorgeous weather. It was awesome, and so very welcomed. 

I am so thankful for such a thoughtful husband. I love him so much. 

I will confess that I was sad when I pulled out of the driveway. I don't like being without Lee and I'm definitely not use to being without the kids, but it was such a nice refresher for me. And are you ready for this???


It's true. You read correctly. We are traveling together, alone, not work related, to celebrate our marriage. Holy COW. I still won't believe it until we are sitting on that plane together about to take off. We celebrated our first anniversary in Charleston, 2nd anniversary I was pregnant with Knox, 3rd anniversary we had a 4 month old and I had the baby blues with acid reflux and colic to deal with, 4th anniversary I was pregnant with Greer, so we are living it UP for the big 5!

The countdown is ON, my friends!


8.5 Months

Geesh. I am SLACKIN' on these monthly updates. I honestly am not even prepared to do this one because I haven't gotten any good 8 month pics, but I am just going to have to slap it down real quick seeing as how 9 months is right around the corner.
Baby girl has MORPHED into a woman of independence! Holy cow. Let's see, here. Crawling is for the birds, and she is now climbing on everything and standing with minimal assistance. She gets fired UP when she sees Knox running around and she realizes she can't run herself. She literally lunges out of your arms onto the floor and speed crawls towards him. On Saturday she TOOK 2 STEPS before she realized that she is only 8 months and cannot walk. She face planted into a toy and had a nice little mark on her face all day. All she wants is Knox. She is a sleeper-big time-and usually doesn't wake until 8. Knox goes in her room with me every morning to get her, and they both light up when they make eye contact. She can bend her body in ways that I have never seen, and if he moves from her sight while getting her diaper changed, she will practically break her neck to find him. I ask him all the time to sing or dance for her while I change her diaper, and the things that he does to entertain her are hilarious. I think I need to start paying him some allowance for his hard work!

This might be the ONLY picture I have of her looking at the camera.

"Baby toys are O.K...."

" But..."

" I'd rather play trucks with brother in the hallway."

"All of his toys are louder and better"

"Especially when he shows me how to play with them!"

 Storing up food for the winter...

 And...teething like crazy! But I do have some big news. She FINALLY got a visit from the tooth fairy and got her first tooth last week. Bottom right :)

And sometimes...

 She likes to beat up her brother just to keep him in check :)

Love this sweet baby girl, and I especially love watching the relationship that's developing between these 2. So thankful for my days with them, even the hard ones. There have been a lot of days here lately where I have just stepped back and watched the 2 of them playing with Lee, and I've asked myself..."Is this really my life?"
God is good!