
The Challenge

Last night was our weekly discussion of the book Crazy Love. We all know how I feel about the book, so I won't bore you with continued details of my love for it. Anyways, our discussion last night led to a conversation about how much time we waste during the day doing things that are really...pointless (for lack of a better word). We always talk about "back in the days" when we were raised...how we don't remember being inside that much, how we were so filthy dirty from playing outside most of the time, ZERO technology, and how life just seemed a little bit simpler during those days. Maybe we were young and naive, but it sure felt that way to me.
Before I get too off track here, let me tell you about the challenge. My friend Teal and I decided to nix facebook for at least a month. Reason being that it just ate up so much time that we could be doing other things- like focusing more on bible study, playing OUTSIDE with the kids, and actually picking up the phone to call a friend instead of checking out her status to see what she was up to. You know...takin' it back to the old school, if you know what I mean. Hear me when I say that I love Facebook and feel that it is such a great way to stay in touch with people. I really do. For me, it's more of a personal conviction. It has become so much of a habit for me to just check status's frequently during the day, and I honestly haven't talked to the majority of those people in years. I guess I am realizing that there are so many other things that I could be doing, so I am hoping that by deactivating the account I will be able to focus more on what's really important to me. Girlfriend ain't ganna lie...it is probably going to be a tough loss, sadly enough. But I do hope to find myself refreshed after this "hiatus".
In the meantime, I will continue to document our lives through the ole faithful blog, shooting for once a week.
I thought about stopping that as well, but I really really love the documentation that I have going on here, and like I've stated in the past, I hope the kids will get to read it one day. Plus, I really do enjoy reading details about family and old friends and keeping up with everyone children. I think there are honestly like 5 or 6 blogs I read, and oddly enough I have come to love the families that I am reading about.
So, that's that.
Secondly...training is going slow, but going. I am pretty sore, but as they say "no pain, no gain", right? I just keep reciting 13.1...13.1....13.1 in my head as I'm slowly running.
Thirdly...The Lawsons are about to spring break it with the Haygoods! Whoop! We will be vacationing at the beach all week, and my husband will be with us the entire time!! My heart is super full right now. Stay tuned, and have a great weekend!


  1. T-2 weeks until I get my hands on G baby!!

  2. I promise you will be so glad you sayonarad FB. I wish i had done it sooner! I have heard of way too many people's marriages in trouble because things started on FB. It just isn't worth it!

  3. I am behind you 100% in getting rid of FB. And I am SO glad you decided to keep the blog! I love reading it and keeping up with you-your blog is one of my favorites.
