
Disney On Ice

An old sorority sister of mine gave us the hook up on some discounted Disney On Ice tickets last Friday, and I am SO glad we took her up on them. Lee and I realized the other day that we have not been alone with Knox since Greer was born, so we decided to make it a full out date night with him and take him to dinner before the show. Papa and Nana were kind enough to keep Greer so that we could enjoy Foxie one on one. We weren't sure if Knox would sit through the whole thing or not since he is usually all over the place, but he LOVED it and stared in awe for the majority if it. He laughed and screamed and danced at some of the parts as well, and it just filled my heart with so much joy to watch him get so excited and have so much fun. Lee and I were so funny...we kept "fighting" over who got to hold him, sit next with him, etc. I am sure little man enjoyed all the attention :). Knox usually goes to bed around 7:30, and the show was in Mobile and started at 7:00 and didn't end until almost 9:00, so we were definitely being risk takers. So proud of him for behaving so well!

We just dropped Greer off and he looks so confused as to why he is in the backseat by himself...

Just told him we were going to eat "Chic-ul-a" and going to see Mickey Mouse

Sitting beside daddy like a big boy

 He kept kissing Lee. Hilarious.

Infatuated with the Mickey Mouse spinner that Lee bought him. He's such a sucker.

Playing golf with it, of course.

Walking to our seats

 We ran in to an old college friend, Alison, and her little boy, Cole, during intermission :). My little sister in Chi - O, Stephanie, was in the section behind us with her son and I am SO SAD that I didn't get a pic of Knox and Banks together.

Very very serious!

Mickey and Minnie :)

 Knox has just recently become a fan of Toy Story and almost lost his mind when the finale had Buzz and Woody!

 Knox for the first part of the late drive home

And Knox for the second part of the ride home :)

 The show was really cool, and we had such a great time with our little guy. I am so glad that we did it, and I hope we make it a habit of getting good one on one time with him. I said it before and I will say it again...HAVING ONE CHILD ON YOUR HANDS IS SOOOO EASY! Why didn't I know this before Greer came along? :)


  1. oh girl! You just wait for disney princess on ice show! We splurge for front row seats EVERYTIME they come into town :) It's a fav with the girls in my house!
    Mary Martha

  2. It looks like the 3 of you had a great time! What a good idea to have some one-on-one time with knox.
    And I agree with having 1 child-I didn't realize it either! Things are definitely more challenging with 2 but always exciting!
