
Training Has Commenced...

Not sure if I know what I just got myself into, but tonight I signed up for the half marathon in Atlanta for the first weekend in October. My hands were shaking as I registered online, but I know that it is something that I needed to do. I need a goal to work towards, so hopefully I will be steadfast with commitment and discipline in training -  starting TOMORROW. I have never done a half marathon before. My hope is that I will one day be able to complete a full marathon, and an even bigger hope (probably far fetched) is to complete an Iron Man. I know, it sounds ridiculous, and who knows if it will ever happen in my lifetime, but I have a LONG way to go and I have to start somewhere. My friend Brady is an amazing, disciplined, and motivated runner, so I know that I have her (plus my sweet husband) in my corner encouraging me and helping me, and I'm so thankful for that.

Here's to many hours of pounding the pavement...


  1. I am so proud of you for just signing up! That is half the battle. (Maybe-what do I know. I have never ran more than a 5k).
    You will do great!
